About Us.

  • Summer 2017 - Where it all Started

    In the long Summer between finishing my GCSEs and starting college, I set up a small stand on the side of the road. With my father's encouragement, I began selling local berries and cherries. We made smoothies too, but most of them were spilled down my brother's front! So, we stopped making the smoothies, but you can find our recipe here and try for yourself!

    It was a great Summer, and I couldn't wait to open again the following year.

  • Summer 2018

    The second year of the stand. We were really pleased that almost twice as many people came! We began offering honey and second-class fruit for jam-making.

  • Summer 2019

    Our customers doubled again! We started supplying local businesses and made our first donation from our small profits to the local charity Haygrove Community Gardens.

  • Summer 2020

    Covid caused healthier, fresher and local produce to be more valued worldwide. Many new customers came which we highly appreciated.

  • Autumn 2020

    We visited the most successful strawberry farm in Europe. We were inspired by the advantages of refrigerated, contactless vending machines. We were concerned that customers would miss the human interaction, but learned that being able to come anytime for the freshest fruit was more valued.

  • Spring 2021 - Big Things Happened!

    We ordered the most user-friendly machine we could find, and began to develop this website! We also were given the exciting opportunity to open a fruit stand close to the Malvern Hills, did you see us there?

  • Summer 2021 - We Hit the Headlines!

    We opened the fruit stand again, alongside our new vending machine at our Ledbury site. Things really took off, and our vending machine soon became popular. We had people coming from far and wide (some at crazy times of night!) after seeing us feature on TV and radio with the BBC! We are so grateful for the support.

    We also partnered up with Local Discovery Card, an exciting community initiative that provides exclusive discounts to its members for a variety of local businesses! Interested? You can find out more here.

  • Autumn 2021

    We closed the stall at the end of the summer, but thanks to Haygrove’s long season, fresh fruit was still available from our 24/7 vending machine! We began to wonder what else we could stock in the machine, and began researching to find local, small businesses with similar values and visions to us. We found a few new tasty - and healthy - products to stock over the winter months. Keep a look out...! Find out more about us and how to use our vending machine here!

  • Winter 2021

    After lots of conversations and plenty of taste-testing, we launched our new products from Willy’s, The Ludlow Nut Co., and B-Fresh. These are all nutritious, freshly produced, and we think they’re quite unique! We love the companies they come from as they all care about the planet and people, just like us.

    We became carbon neutral! This was something incredibly important for us to achieve, and we look forward to further reducing our emissions in 2022.

  • Spring 2022

    We got to work!
    We had a great year in 2021, and knew that 2022 was the year to give back. So, we put together a list of social, and environmental, pledges as a way to hold ourselves accountable. You can find those here.

    We also began looking at other sites for more 24/7 vending machines… do you have any ideas for where they might be?

  • Summer 2022

    We had another successful summer, opening the usual stand alongside our machine in Ledbury and our new machine in Newent!

    It was so great to see more people being converted to using the machine in our second location, and we even started selling Sixteen Ridges wine from our table too!

    This summer we also donated 40 punnets of strawberries every week to the Ledbury Food Bank - our little way of helping the local community.

  • Summer 2023

    What a summer it has been! Open from May 1st - September 30th, it's been a 4-month rollercoaster.

    We've had three machines running alongside our usual stand in Ledbury. It's been great to see so many familiar and lovely faces return from over the years.

    We featured in a podcast on Spotify (Moving to Malvern-Y), experienced our first summer with a van, and secured our first bigger contracts with local hotels and bakeries! Read more about our Summer 2023 highlights here.

  • Summer 2024

    We are officially open again!

    See us at the Ledbury stand (HR8 2SG) or get your usual fruit fix from one of our vending machines. See you soon!


Who Are We?

I was brought up with berries and decided to offer them to the public as an experiment. They have always been so well received by customers who visit the stall, but I always felt guilty when I closed at 5pm every day. So in 2021, I resolved to make our berries, cherries and healthy snacks available 24/7 with a refrigerated vending machine! This grew to 2 machines... then 3 by our third year. To stay up to date with all of our events and activities, why not sign up to our newsletter?

Our Ledbury stall is now open!

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Our Mission

We believe that the right food is the best medicine. We want to help people make fast food decisions that are healthy, trustworthy, quick, and don’t damage the planet. We aim to become a positive disruptor of the current way people buy soft fruit, by making the very best available 24/7. Buy online.

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Berries in hand
  • Connect our customers directly to the farm and our specialist knowledge

  • Planet and people first, then profit

  • Be a force for good