Another Successful Season

Posted on 26 Oct 2021

Summer 2021 was another great success for the Berries Unlocked team, and we would like to start by saying a few thank yous to our lovely customers.

Thank you for every first visit, and for every time you come back. Thank you to everyone who has learnt to use our vending machine, and to those of you who have trialed our click and collect service. Thank you for every Instagram like or comment, and for every review. We really appreciate you taking the time to support us, and for making our jobs fun!

With the Summer over, and our team back at university and school, it seems like a great time to reflect on the great season we’ve had. It’s been a whirlwind, but here are some of our personal highlights (in no particular order!):

  • Launching our website and choosing our machine. A lot of work went on behind the scenes to make sure that we chose the most user-friendly vending machine that maintained the quality of the fruit 24/7, and to create a website that mirrored our values and selling-style. It’s been so great to see our ideas come to life!

  • Showing our customers how to use the machine - it’s so quick and simple, and it’s been great to see everyone warm to it! The machine is open 24/7 and will soon be stocking new products. Keep an eye on our Instagram @berriesunlocked, Facebook and even LinkedIn pages, and visit our Ledbury site regularly to see what we have in stock!

  • Appearing on TV and radio with BBC West Midlands, and BBC Hereford and Worcester to talk about our machine, our values and mission, and the future of Berries Unlocked! A nerve-wracking but great experience.

  • Receiving our first events orders! We have provided berries and cherries to over 15 parties and weddings this Summer - thank you to those wonderful couples and families for choosing us on your special day!

  • Attending the Monmouth Bee Festival. A very successful day out for our converted horse box, with the whole family involved in selling our fruit (even Ariana’s grandad)! We enjoyed lots of live music and presentations from experts on bee-friendly gardening, geo-caching and more, all while supporting the great work that they do for communities in Uganda. If you’re keen to find out more, and perhaps want to make a donation, click [here](<*>).

  • Becoming a Local Discovery Card partner. Click here to find out more about why we are proud to be a partner of Local Discovery Card, and how to become a member.

This small business, one that started its adventure as a road-side experiment, has grown far beyond initial expectations. We really are so excited for the future of Berries Unlocked, and we hope you are too!

Roll on Summer 2022!