Happy Mother's Day!

Posted on 19 Mar 2023

Happy Mother's Day!

This year, I thought I would add an extra feat to the 'Ode to Beata' written last year. Let's remind ourselves...

An ode to Beata, from Ariana

When asked about an inspiring woman in my life, I’m sure I’m not the only one that immediately thinks of their mum. I’m also sure I’m not the only one that believes their mum is the greatest, but that’s not going to stop me from trying to convince you that mine truly is. I’ve decided to keep it to five simple but powerful reasons.

  1. She is the most supportive wife out there.

Mum managed to keep a long-distance relationship with Dad whilst studying for her exams in Hungary, and then was willing to move to the UK and start a new life with a driven (sometimes overwhelmingly driven) entrepreneurial husband. Over the years, she supports many of the staff, goes to various events, and you will often find her picking rubbish out of the farm’s hedgerows on the weekend.

  1. She’s living in her second language.

She not only re-took her medical exams to qualify to be a paediatrician in the NHS in her second language, but continues to live, work and play in a different country. I’ve only been away from home for 6 months, in an english-speaking country, and still I miss it. Too impressive.

  1. She has her own career.

No stay-at-home life for Beata. Not that she wouldn’t be good at that either, but she works in Cheltenham and Gloucester hospitals for days on end, putting in so much more time and effort than the credit she is given.

  1. She has children.

Enough said really. I’m not a mother and I know it’s one of the hardest jobs out there. Who knows the number of hockey matches and riding competitions attended, dinners cooked, clothes washed, essays read, arguments endured and trips driven. A superwoman.

  1. She is passionate, kind and determined, all at once.

It’s exhausting just watching her. Being a good friend, doctor, wife, mother and still being kind-hearted? Not sure how she does it, and tell me what man can do it without turning grumpy. And yet she still manages to put a smile on your face when you’re feeling down, will play the piano at your concert, go for coffee when she really does not have the time, and yes, fill the Berries Unlocked machine if no one else is around to do it. And it doesn’t look like she’s stopping any time soon.

  1. She has a Masters title.

On top of her job, she has completed her Masters in Clinical Neurodevelopmental Science at King's College London. Anyone that has done any university degree, let alone a Masters, knows the time and dedication that goes into studying. Now picture it alongside 200 patients, an 18-year-old son, a 21-year-old daughter, and a husband. She’s the smartest person I know. Get her on the topic of ADHD and you’ve sealed yourself in for a few hours.

Thank you for being my Mum, thank you for helping with this business, and thank you for being just one of many amazing mothers out there.